Friday, July 31, 2015

Blue Moon Tonight

Posted by Wayne G. Barber
Why is it Called the Blue Moon?
We got a lot of letters about this. Some folks imagine that it actually appears blue. Others assume it's a term that originated with native folklore. Neither is true.
The inside scoop is that calling any month's second full Moon a blue Moon only started in the 1940s as a result of a mistake in an astronomy magazine. But it slowly went viral until nowadays the second full moon in the same calendar month is widely called a blue moon.
The notion has no venerable pedigree among native Americans, ancient cultures, or anything in the actual sky.  So OK, we'll play along and call it a blue Moon. Just so you know, it's a new idea.
Every heard the expression, "Once in a Blue Moon?" It suggests great rarity. In reality, since the Moon's period of phases is 29 1/2 days while months usually have 30 or 31 days, it's obvious that if a full Moon lands on the first day of any month except February it will repeat again at the end.
Turns out, blue moons happen every 30 months on average. Two and a half years.
Not so very rare. Once in a blue Moon? Stick around!
Meantime, enjoy this one, whose color will likely be the exact opposite of blue.

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