Scituate Reservoir Tests Positive for PEDs — ecoRI NewsClick on Scituate, for the Complete Story !
You can have my guns when I have a Gort on every doorway.(R) Burrillville, No.Smithfield, Glocester All rights reserved(R)2014 All photos and published properties the sole ownership of W.Gauvin Barber No sharing or reposting without his written consent.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Eco Rhode Island Update on the Blackstone River
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Click on for the complete story. |
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Still Contaminating. |
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
North Smithfield R.I. Town Council Meeting 1-21-15
The previous Jan. 10 Sat. town council meeting was held on Main St. with a very short agenda and now the meetings have moved to its regular twice a month meeting place the Kendall Dean School on School St..
The council president Robert Boucher notified the vice-chair Ernest Alter that he was running a little late and to start the meeting if he had to. Mr Alter asked if anyone wanted to speak on good and welfare and a few residents spoke up. President Boucher then arrived to complete the full council.
Kendal-Dean School |
Open Meeting 7:01pm
Pledge of the Allegiance
Roll Call - All Present
1 Councilor Alter made a motion to please move up tonight's agenda item 11a to start the session so the participants could attend some other urgent business and the request was granted.
Perfect location choice. |
Old Location: Rt. 102 IGA Plaza |
Lil' General store looks great after expansion. |
Continue tomorrow: Stay Tuned
Monday, January 19, 2015
North Smithfield, R.I. Looking to Fill Board Vacancies and Volunteers
I attended a Town Council Meeting on Jan.10th, 2015 and overheard the plea for additional Townspeople to please come forward to share your life's experience in your chosen field for the Towns Building Committee on the new Public Buildings Improvement Commission.(Police Station)
The commission will be responsible for implementation of major construction projects in the town. Members will be chosen by the new Town Council. Volunteers with backgrounds in any of the following or similar areas are invited to serve: Electrical, Accounting, Finance, Legal, Design, Environmental, Plumbing, Engineering, and Architecture.
Contact and send a letter of intent and a resume to Tabatha Dube at no later than Jan.22,2015
The Historic District Commission also needs a person to fill out the term that expires on Dec.1, 2017.This person would sit on the Historic District Board to review any potential changes to the town's historic homes.
The Sewer Commission is looking to fill a position that expires Dec.1, 2019.This position is to oversee all upcoming sewer projects as well as exiting issues with current sewer districts.
The Redevelopment Agency is seeking a town resident to fill one term that expires Dec. 1, 2016. The agency is charged with the oversight of the Branch Village Project and will work closely with the Economic Development Committee.
Anyone interested in learning more on filling out a application should visit the town web-site or contact Deb Todd, Town Clerk, at 1-401-767-2200 Ext. 326
The commission will be responsible for implementation of major construction projects in the town. Members will be chosen by the new Town Council. Volunteers with backgrounds in any of the following or similar areas are invited to serve: Electrical, Accounting, Finance, Legal, Design, Environmental, Plumbing, Engineering, and Architecture.
Contact and send a letter of intent and a resume to Tabatha Dube at no later than Jan.22,2015
The Historic District Commission also needs a person to fill out the term that expires on Dec.1, 2017.This person would sit on the Historic District Board to review any potential changes to the town's historic homes.
The Sewer Commission is looking to fill a position that expires Dec.1, 2019.This position is to oversee all upcoming sewer projects as well as exiting issues with current sewer districts.
The Redevelopment Agency is seeking a town resident to fill one term that expires Dec. 1, 2016. The agency is charged with the oversight of the Branch Village Project and will work closely with the Economic Development Committee.
Anyone interested in learning more on filling out a application should visit the town web-site or contact Deb Todd, Town Clerk, at 1-401-767-2200 Ext. 326
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Burrillville Town Coucil Meeting Jan.14,2015
The Town Council meeting started promptly at 7:00pm with a full attendance of councilors to discuss the light agenda.
1 Pledge of Allegiance,
2 Accepting the minutes of the previous meeting
3 Then any public comment.
One town resident, Robin Shutt from 57 Round Top Road, Harrisville wanted to address her opinion on a later 15-003 agenda item from Town Manager Mike Woods on the status of the CDBG project. She then took the spectators seat and talked about the great work that (CDBG) Community Development Block Grant has done throughout Northern R.I. and should be given our full support on the 1.5 million dollar revitalization of downtown main street Pascoag.
4 New freshman councilor Donald A. Fox talked about his and some of the other councilors who recently took a tour at the Well One Clinic in Pascoag. Mr. Fox was impressed with the facility and the fact that 25% of our Town's residents use the close by medical facility regularly.
Veteran councilor Steven N.Rawson then talked about the "Between the Cracks" Ice Fishing Derby fund raiser coming up Jan.31st 2015 at Crystal Lake which he will be the chair person in 2015.
15-001 Motion for Nicholas J. Lapierre on obtaining the rank of Eagle Scout. A proclamation will be printed and hand delivered at the swearing in ceremony by the Town Council President John F. Pacheco III
15-002 Grant permission to Verizon and Narragansett Electric to install a pole at Cherry Farm Road passed 7-0
Public Hearing: No One
14-235 Chapter 30 entitled Zoning, Sec.30-71for first reading and scheduling of a public hearing.
15-003 Correspondence from Town Manager Mike Woods, regarding a Community Development Block Grant. Neighbor Works Blackstone River Valley director Joe Garelick was in attendance and our Town Planner Tom Kravitz. This company was instrumental in the "Clock Tower" Stillwater Mill project in Harrisville which now anchors that section of our growing town with the new library. James Langlois spoke supporting the 1.5 million dollar demolition and new affordable re-vamping of 74-84 Main Street and 73-75, 85, 87-89 Main Street, Pascoag. Combination period store fronts on the ground level and affordable apartments above. We received drawings of the proposed buildings and also were made aware of the coordination with the State Highway Dept. working in conjunction with laying down a brand new gas line to give the tenants every option for a utility source. I talked with Mr. Garelick and he sad that all was on schedule to start in 2016 for this overhaul of our Main Street. These projects have been on the radar for years and we will now position us finally in the right direction for the Town's future.
I talked with Mr. Kravitz and he also assured me that the tenants would also help our town of achieving the 10% low affordable housing requirement mandated by the State. The company is not part of HUD but was formed by a act of Congress in 1986-1987 and is a Community Development Corporation and also has Home Buyers Class's and helps with older folks interested in Reverse Mortgages. Education Centers, Rental Housing and have helped over 500 home owners stave off a for-closure in Northern Rhode Island
Mr. Garelick started in the Woonsocket market in the late 1980's under the administration of Mayor Charlie Baldelli and one of Neighbor Works first projects was the Constitution Hill area off Main Street. 13 full time employers. They have projects in North Smithfield and a large complex on Front Street, Woonsocket and now will start the Mulvey Building 3 million dollar undertaking in Market Square, Woonsocket.
15-004 Consider and act on a correspondence and resolution related to the adoption of Rhode Map RI by the Statewide Planning Council.
Councilor David J. Place made a motion to table this to the next meeting and was seconded.
15-005 Motion to receive the FY 2016 budget calendar and approve the public hearing dates for the budget for FY 2016 as presented 7-0
15-006 Correspondence from Councilor Stephen N. Rawson regarding his request for a discussion on a Hawkers license on Town owned athletic fields, namely food and ice cream vendors with the proceeds pro-rated depending on usage, going to help support the groups that use the facilities after all the cutbacks in the financial support from the Town. Lively discussion and will have further discussion with legal council on any options.
15-007 Correspondence from Councilor Donald A. Fox regarding his request to discuss and act on asking the Administration and Town Solicitor to explore options for integrating the Burrillville Sewer Commission into the Town.
Hotly discussed and would probably take State Legislation to disband the Commission. Councilor Rawson asked the town manager if in fact that he did the duel role when he was employed in Webster, Mass. and he replied that he did. Councilor Fox stated a lot of his constituents have contacted him with problems expediting work with the Commission and was not commercial friendly
to help in attracting new business to our cash strapped town.. Democrat Councilor Nancy Binns and Democrat Councilor Kimberly Brissette Brown suggested strongly for the town manager have a correspondence to make the Commission more consumer friendly.
The motion to pursue the options of integrating the Burrillville Sewer Commission to legal council passed on straight party lines with the 4 Republican majority voted 4 yes and the minority Democrats 3 no. Former Town Democratic Chairman Don .C.Wolfe is the Burrillville Sewer Commission Chairman and Councilor Nancy F. Binns is the Council Liason.
15-008 Correspondence on newly appointed Town Solicitor Oleg Nikolyszyn, who replaced Timothy Kane regarding his request that, pursuant to {7.01 of the Town Charter of the Town of Burrillville, the Town Council confirm his appointment of William C. Dimitri as an assistant solicitor. Passed on a 7-0 vote.
15-009 Motion to appoint William Guertin Tree Warden passed with a 7-0 vote
15-010 Correspondence to reappoint:
Matthew Misiaszek, Housing Authority 5 years to expire Oct. 31,2019
Laura Fontaine Extended Care Board 3 Years to expire Oct. 31, 2017
Jeffrey Hilton, alt Member Recreation 1 year to expire Oct. 31, 2015
Sharon Davies Recreation Commission 3 years to expire Oct.31,2017
Timothy Pratt, Recreation Commission 3 Years to expire Oct. 31, 2017
Russell Couture,Board of Assessment 3 Years to expire Nov.30 2017
Juliette Lopez Extended Care BOD 3 Years to expire Oct.17, 2017
Robert Tetreault Alt. to Full Budget Board 3 Years expire June 30,2016
Jeffrey Hilton, Alt. to Full Rec. Comm. 3 Years to expire Oct.31,2015
Donison Allen Budget Board
Kathan M. Lambert Juvenile Hearing Board
Jackie Zahn Juvenile Hearing Board
Tony Wood, Personnel Board
All passed by a 7-0 vote
15-013 Motion to authorize Mike Wood, Town Manager, to sign a commercial gas service/main agreement with National Grid relative to 90 North Main St. Pascoag $ 1,825.00 Passed 7-0
15-017 Request for a executive session from Mike Wood, Town Manager, pursuant to Rhode Island Open Meeting Law:
12 Adjournment
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
Friday, January 9, 2015
North Smithfield Town Council Meeting Sat Jan.10 at 10;00am
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Monday, January 5, 2015
New Glocester R.I. 2015 Town Council Sworn in Jan. 5, 2014
The Town of Glocester is located in northwestern Rhode Island. It is bordered on the north by Burrillville, on the east by Smithfield, on the south by Scituate and Foster and on the west by Killingly and Putnam, Connecticut. It is connected to these various other communities by route 44, which runs east to west, and by route 102, which runs north-south. The state capitol Providence, is approximately 35 minutes to the east.
Glocester ( originally called Gloucester) was established in 1639 and has a population of 9,746 according to the last census in 2010. Of the thirty nine cities and towns that make up Rhode Island, Glocester ranks thirteenth lowest in the rate of taxation per $1,000 with a residential rate of $21.77 and a commercial rate of $24.74 Taxes for a single family home valued at $215,000 = $4,468.55 and if you owned for a example a 2008 Honda Accord your tax would be $369.21
Total taxes as a median income: 6.31% and Glocester had a revaluation or statistical update effective Dec.31,2013
The town is set up with a five member town council and holds a election every two years on a even year cycle.
The meeting proceeded promptly at 6:30pm as advertised for the sole purpose of the 2015 swearing in ceremony of the victors from this past November election.
George O. ( Buster) Steere, a republican local businessman garnered the highest vote total in the November election.
The new 2015 is Chairman Walter M. Steere ( Rep)
Vice Chairman George O.(Buster) Steere ( Rep)
Edward C.Burlingame ( Rep)
William E. Reichert (Ind.)
Steve A. Sette (Ind)
The current council chairman asked State Representative Republican Mike Chippendale to step forward to administer the oath of office to whom ever wanted him to do the honor. The town clerk and a few school committee members also stepped forward.
The next group were offered to be sworn in by State Senator Democrat Paul Fogarty and the remaining two Walter M.Steere and William E. Reichert obliged to a nice round of applause by the local townspeople. I was glad to see my dear friend Rose Lavoie (Purple Cat) in attendance and I think everyone went over to her for a warm greeting. The meeting was called to order and the current chairman Walter M. Steere asked if any member would like to make a motion for the nomination of Town Council chairman and Edward C. Burlingame nominated Walter M. Steere to retain his position and it passed on a swift 4-0 in favor.
Walter M.Steere then asked his fellow Council members if anyone wanted to nominate a vice chairman and William Reichert nominated George O.Steere as the vice chairman and it passed on another unanimous 4-0 vote. Steven A.Sette (Ind) was not in his council seat tonight.
Edward Burlingame now has been elected 10 times to the 2 year terms in his political career.
The town council chairman then asked if anyone would like to make a motion to close the meeting and newly elected Edward C. Burlingame spoke up and thanked everyone for voting and attending this ceremony and exclaimed that this 2015 town council will work together to solve any problems that may arise in the next two years.
If anything happens where a councilmen cannot serve his term, the next highest vote getter was Stephanie L. Westgate (Rep.) who received 1878 votes in the past election.
Town Clerk Jean Fecteau and the town solicitor Timothy F. Kane rounded out the 2015 town council
table. The next scheduled Town Council meeting will be on January 15th and then back to normal rotation of two meetings a month on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
Light refreshments were served at the adjournment of the meeting at 6:45pm
I will be in attendance to cover the next meeting and report my story to all in a prompt fashion. reported by Wayne G. Barber
Glocester ( originally called Gloucester) was established in 1639 and has a population of 9,746 according to the last census in 2010. Of the thirty nine cities and towns that make up Rhode Island, Glocester ranks thirteenth lowest in the rate of taxation per $1,000 with a residential rate of $21.77 and a commercial rate of $24.74 Taxes for a single family home valued at $215,000 = $4,468.55 and if you owned for a example a 2008 Honda Accord your tax would be $369.21
Total taxes as a median income: 6.31% and Glocester had a revaluation or statistical update effective Dec.31,2013
The town is set up with a five member town council and holds a election every two years on a even year cycle.
The meeting proceeded promptly at 6:30pm as advertised for the sole purpose of the 2015 swearing in ceremony of the victors from this past November election.
George O. ( Buster) Steere, a republican local businessman garnered the highest vote total in the November election.
The new 2015 is Chairman Walter M. Steere ( Rep)
Vice Chairman George O.(Buster) Steere ( Rep)
Edward C.Burlingame ( Rep)
William E. Reichert (Ind.)
Steve A. Sette (Ind)
The current council chairman asked State Representative Republican Mike Chippendale to step forward to administer the oath of office to whom ever wanted him to do the honor. The town clerk and a few school committee members also stepped forward.
All photos by W.Gauvin Barber, no reproducing without written permission . |
State Rep. Mike Chippendale (Rep) |
Solicitor Timothy F. Kane & State Sen. Paul Fogarty (Dem) |
Chairman Walter M. Steere and William E. Reichert |
Walter M.Steere then asked his fellow Council members if anyone wanted to nominate a vice chairman and William Reichert nominated George O.Steere as the vice chairman and it passed on another unanimous 4-0 vote. Steven A.Sette (Ind) was not in his council seat tonight.
Edward Burlingame now has been elected 10 times to the 2 year terms in his political career.
The town council chairman then asked if anyone would like to make a motion to close the meeting and newly elected Edward C. Burlingame spoke up and thanked everyone for voting and attending this ceremony and exclaimed that this 2015 town council will work together to solve any problems that may arise in the next two years.
If anything happens where a councilmen cannot serve his term, the next highest vote getter was Stephanie L. Westgate (Rep.) who received 1878 votes in the past election.
Town Clerk Jean Fecteau and the town solicitor Timothy F. Kane rounded out the 2015 town council
table. The next scheduled Town Council meeting will be on January 15th and then back to normal rotation of two meetings a month on the first and third Thursdays of each month.
Light refreshments were served at the adjournment of the meeting at 6:45pm
I will be in attendance to cover the next meeting and report my story to all in a prompt fashion. reported by Wayne G. Barber
Glocester Town Council to be Sworn in Tonight 6:30 pm
The 2015 Glocester Town Council will be sworn in tonight at 6:30pm at the Town Hall Chambers, Rt 44 Main Street, Chepachet,R.I. Top vote getter George O. (Buster) Steere, Walter M. Steere, Edward C. Burlingame, William E. Riechert and Steven A. Sette
Re-organization to follow to see who will lead the town for the next two years. The town is growing and important decisions will take place in the next few months.
Pictures and interviews with the Council members to follow.
Re-organization to follow to see who will lead the town for the next two years. The town is growing and important decisions will take place in the next few months.
Pictures and interviews with the Council members to follow.
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